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Top 10 Important SEO Tips & Tricks For Your Website

Today, we're looking about optimizing your whole site, not only a single page, for search engines. 

Subsequent to picking the right SEO keywords yet before composing a huge amount of content, you have a few decisions to make. So thoroughly consider this carefully.

Top 10 Important SEO Tips & Tricks For Your Website

 Before you start, you have to know the following:

  • What you’re site is about
  • What the purpose is
  • How committed you are

Once you’ve settled on those three things, then it’s time to get to work.

So, let’s begin, shall we?

SEO Tips & Tricks

To optimize your whole site for search engines, you’ll need to follow these basic tips:

1. Make the website about one thing

It can be about other stuff, too, but choose one primary topic that is most essential to your message. This step is important, so you may want to do a little keyword research before choosing a topic.

2. Mention keywords where they matter most

Include your “one thing” in the site title, domain name, description, tagline, keywords, blog categories, page titles, and page content.If you’re on WordPress, you can change a lot of this in the General Settings or through a plugin.

3. Link to internal pages on your site

A lot of content management systems automatically do this, but if yours doesn’t, you’ll want to be intentional about linking to your most important pages directly from your homepage and cross-linking them with each other. Like I do this in this point Importance Of Web Hosting For SEO.

Top 10 Important SEO Tips & Tricks For Your Website

4. Use a permalink structure that includes keywords

Some sites have “ugly” permalink structures that use numbers to identify pages. Don’t do this. It’s bad for SEO and just doesn’t look good. Use a URL structure that includes text, and make sure you include keywords in your URLs. So instead of having a page’s URL be this:
It should look more like this:

5. Remove anything that slows down your website

Page load times are important, so get rid of any non-essentials that bog down your website. These may including music players, large images, flash graphics, and unnecessary plugins.

6. Use keywords in your images

Include words that reflect your site topic in the image title, description, and alt attributes. Also, re-title the file name if it doesn’t reflect your main keywords.

Top 10 Important SEO Tips & Tricks For Your Website

7. Update your website frequently

Sites with dynamic content often rank higher than those with static content. That’s why blogs and directories (like Wikipedia) do so well on search engines. They are constantly being updated with new content.

8. Stop changing your domain name

The age of your URL is a factor in your site’s search ranking, so be patient. If you’re launching a new blog every six months, you’ll never see your site get the value it deserves.

9. Become a student of SEO

If you’re taking the do-it-yourself route, you’ll have to become a student of SEO and learn as much as you can. Luckily for you, there are plenty of great web resources and several terrific books you can read. (Yes, actual printed books!) See our Why is Website Appearance Important for SEO? page for a variety of articles, books and resources.

10. Write like a human

None of the above matters if you create content that sounds like a robot wrote it. Write great stuff, follow the steps above, have patience, and you’ll see results. I realize that many of you have already started blogging, but many of these tips can be applied retroactively. And once if you done this, you can start writing regular content. 

Top 10 Important SEO Tips & Tricks For Your Website


This was our definitive rundown about Top 10 Important SEO Tips & Tricks for Your Website. On the off chance that you have any sort questions left identified with these article then lend your inquiries in the comment box. Any of our team members will hit them up in no time. 

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Top 10 Important SEO Tips & Tricks For Your Website Reviewed by Unknown on 08:00:00 Rating: 5

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