Top 10 Ways To Write A Super Effective Blog Post Like A Boss
There comes a time when we want so badly to write something in our blogs, but our brains refuse to co-operate with us. They tend to become stale without feeding us any idea on what topics to write and how to proceed with writing about them. This phenomenon is called as writer’s block in a general term.
This means I am asking, do you sometimes suffer from this disease?
Admit it. We do.
And then when we are infected by it and remain surrendered to its destructive power, the most expensive thing is leaving our blogs without any new posts and our regular readers unattended.
Our consistency in bringing new posts will be questioned, and our subscribers will surely start losing their trusts and hopes entrusted on us.
Therefore, we shouldn’t remain in such trench for the longer period. But then the good part is just like any other diseases having their own preventive measures and curative remedial activities, and this disease too can be prevented if you are not yet infected by it or cure if it has started climbing onto you.
Our brain is built in such a way that it would function as it’s supposed to only when something external clicks to a rightful point. That is why Tom Evans has rightly said:
In this regards, I have some recommendations to make our brains work like an opened parachute and then come up with new posts according to your planned blogging schedules.
This is one of the most important things you should be doing. Acknowledge your readers. Don’t just say “thanks.” Be thoughtful. Try to build a conversation and a friendship. If you always see a similar name in your comment section, try visiting their own blog and leaving a comment. If you can build a community in your comments section, people will continue to come back and say hello. And the only way to build that community is to engage with your readers.
Also, I understand that once you reach a certain point, it’s not possible to stay sane and respond to every comment. But until then, I think it should be a priority. Plus, it’s one of my favourite parts about blogging!
Someone once asked me if I ever sleep because it appears that I’m always on social media talking about The Nectar Collective. Yep, I sleep plenty. My secret weapon? I schedule some of my posts. There are tons of free and paid programs that can help you do this, such as Buffer, Hootsuite, Scoop and CoSchedule. Therefore, I can schedule shout outs to be sent to Facebook and Twitter when I’d otherwise be sleeping or at work.
How to use it effectively:
Schedule your posts so that they are sent through your social media outlets at varying times, several times a day. Why? Because your readers are all very different. Perhaps they live in different time zones or work at night as opposed to in the morning. You want to make sure that you have enough tweets spread out throughout the day so that no matter who your readers are, they won’t miss the fact that you just posted something new.
When doing this, I recommend changing up your tweets. Don’t copy and paste the same thing over and over because it will bore and irritate your followers. Remember, you are marketing your blog posts. Try to keep your tweets interesting and pull people in so they’ll want to click through to your blog post.
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I used to never really understand the point of Twitter. Like, really, really didn’t get it. When I first started my blog, I would read articles that told me that if I wanted to grow my readership, I needed to use Twitter. That’s nice, I thought, but how in the hell do I use it effectively? It took me awhile to figure that out. I’d promote my posts once a day to my scant 14 or so followers and constantly feel like I must be doing something wrong because Twitter is just not the business.
But then I started following some of my favourite bloggers. And if they posted something on Twitter that resonated with me, I’d respond, even if I’d never spoken to them before. Eventually, I started getting into the groove. I posted things besides just links to my posts. I began having conversations with other bloggers and turned them into friends. And voila. The wonderful world of Twitter was born.
How to use it effectively:
Start by following your favourite bloggers (their Twitter username should be on their blog). If they tweet something you like, respond! Get the conversation started. And if you come across a blog post that you really like, share it and tag that blogger’s username. Not only are you doing them a favour that they will remember, you’re also giving your followers something new to read.
Remember, in order to create a successful blog, you pretty much need to create friendships and connections with other bloggers. If you don’t have any blog friends, take the first step and make those friendships yourself. Lastly, you should definitely use Twitter to promote your posts.
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If you are limited with the financial ability to travel new places, purchase, and test new gadgets, and attend conferences or workshops, then you can start interviewing people who are locally or globally acclaimed to be experts in different fields.
When those interview questionnaires and answers are being published on your blog, you are coming up with a new blog post. And as you go on interviewing more and more experts, not only the number of posts in your blog will increase but will also improve your blogging consistency.
But then first try to interview less popular people because it’s wiser to catch small fishes first and then gradually attempting to catch sharks. According to my personal experience, interview posts bring good traffics compare to other posts.
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Obviously the number of topics and way you can write about them in your industry are endless. However, I am going to share 3 ways in which are incredibly effective and easy to use. Remember, you have to write for your audience. Most business tend to write about stuff they find interesting, but in reality your customers are interested in what you are selling and how that helps them.
The ‘how to…’ topic :
We all know about ‘How to’ topics, but what you say in them determines whether they are effective or not.
e.g. I can write a blog topic on how the changes in HTML code that search engines and mobiles use means that Frontpage is out of date. Who of you will care about that? Will you really be that interested to know that is no longer how you should centre things? No!
You need to write what your customers would like to hear. In my case I would write something like ‘How To Add Professional Music Player To Your Blogger Blog’. My audience probably doesn’t know how to create a website, and they most certainly don’t know how easy it can be.
If you are a home builder, write about how you find cheap roofing. If you sell socks, show your customers how to prevent them from becoming smelly. So on and so forth.
The ‘top 10 secrets…’ topic :
These kind of topics are really effective. Here is an example: ‘Top 10 SEO Secrets To Get Blog Posts Indexed By Google Quickly’
It doesn’t always have to be 10 things specifically, just more than 2 and less than 10. 3,5,7, and 10 are the power numbers. When you state that you are giving them three steps, make sure you label each step as a ‘secrets’. Obvious right? But many people will just write long paragraphs without breaking them down and labelling them properly.
The ‘One simple way…’ topic :
This is probably the kind of blog post I write the most. Generally it is because I have so much to say about each topic that I just spread them over several blog posts. If you are a home builder, then you would have something like ‘A Simple Way to Prevent Nails from Rusting’.
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Let us say I am very much interested in trying different cameras and taking photos using them. Then I can start making a list of topics related to my passion which I don’t know at present but I would like to learn more. Instance I can say:
I can refer various sources. I can read various reviews. In the process, I will never face short of topics on which I can write to update my blog besides not mentioning different new things I can learn.
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Having three different kind of topics is a great way to somewhat prevent writer’s block, but sometimes you need something fresh, but you have no idea what to write. Here is what you do.
Get 3-5 categories (topics) -
Here are mine.
Almost 40% of TNC’s visitors arrive here from a search engine. If you’re not properly SEO-ing the crap out of your posts, you’re missing out on tons of potential readers.
Every day (you only have to do this once a week in most cases) I sit and think about what happened to me the day before whilst I was working.
Ask yourself: what stands out the most from events that happened yesterday? Or last week if you are writing once a week. Nothing particularly exciting happened to me yesterday, but a client did ask me how they find topics to blog about. Bingo!
Perhaps you helped a customer find the right shoe, then write a blog post about ‘How to find the right shoe out of 1,000s of choices’.
And guess what? You can rehash this topic three times over the course of the next few months, because you have three ways of saying it. Remember, the three topic types we discussed? Once you have done that you can apply that same topic to 5 different categories. Before you know it, one thing just gave you 10 different blog posts to write about. Easy right?
This means I am asking, do you sometimes suffer from this disease?
Admit it. We do.
And then when we are infected by it and remain surrendered to its destructive power, the most expensive thing is leaving our blogs without any new posts and our regular readers unattended.
Our consistency in bringing new posts will be questioned, and our subscribers will surely start losing their trusts and hopes entrusted on us.
Therefore, we shouldn’t remain in such trench for the longer period. But then the good part is just like any other diseases having their own preventive measures and curative remedial activities, and this disease too can be prevented if you are not yet infected by it or cure if it has started climbing onto you.
Our brain is built in such a way that it would function as it’s supposed to only when something external clicks to a rightful point. That is why Tom Evans has rightly said:
Your mind is just like a parachute. If you don’t open it, it won’t work
In this regards, I have some recommendations to make our brains work like an opened parachute and then come up with new posts according to your planned blogging schedules.
Top 10 Super Easy Ways To Write Incredible Blog Posts -
1. Respond To Comments -
This is one of the most important things you should be doing. Acknowledge your readers. Don’t just say “thanks.” Be thoughtful. Try to build a conversation and a friendship. If you always see a similar name in your comment section, try visiting their own blog and leaving a comment. If you can build a community in your comments section, people will continue to come back and say hello. And the only way to build that community is to engage with your readers.
Also, I understand that once you reach a certain point, it’s not possible to stay sane and respond to every comment. But until then, I think it should be a priority. Plus, it’s one of my favourite parts about blogging!
You Can Also Read - Top 10 SEO Myths About Writing Comments In Popular Blog
2. Schedule Your Social Media Posts -
Someone once asked me if I ever sleep because it appears that I’m always on social media talking about The Nectar Collective. Yep, I sleep plenty. My secret weapon? I schedule some of my posts. There are tons of free and paid programs that can help you do this, such as Buffer, Hootsuite, Scoop and CoSchedule. Therefore, I can schedule shout outs to be sent to Facebook and Twitter when I’d otherwise be sleeping or at work.
How to use it effectively:
Schedule your posts so that they are sent through your social media outlets at varying times, several times a day. Why? Because your readers are all very different. Perhaps they live in different time zones or work at night as opposed to in the morning. You want to make sure that you have enough tweets spread out throughout the day so that no matter who your readers are, they won’t miss the fact that you just posted something new.
When doing this, I recommend changing up your tweets. Don’t copy and paste the same thing over and over because it will bore and irritate your followers. Remember, you are marketing your blog posts. Try to keep your tweets interesting and pull people in so they’ll want to click through to your blog post.
You Can Also Read - Top 15 Free SEO Tools Every Blogger Should Know
3. Get Your Butt On TWITTER -
I used to never really understand the point of Twitter. Like, really, really didn’t get it. When I first started my blog, I would read articles that told me that if I wanted to grow my readership, I needed to use Twitter. That’s nice, I thought, but how in the hell do I use it effectively? It took me awhile to figure that out. I’d promote my posts once a day to my scant 14 or so followers and constantly feel like I must be doing something wrong because Twitter is just not the business.
But then I started following some of my favourite bloggers. And if they posted something on Twitter that resonated with me, I’d respond, even if I’d never spoken to them before. Eventually, I started getting into the groove. I posted things besides just links to my posts. I began having conversations with other bloggers and turned them into friends. And voila. The wonderful world of Twitter was born.
How to use it effectively:
Start by following your favourite bloggers (their Twitter username should be on their blog). If they tweet something you like, respond! Get the conversation started. And if you come across a blog post that you really like, share it and tag that blogger’s username. Not only are you doing them a favour that they will remember, you’re also giving your followers something new to read.
Remember, in order to create a successful blog, you pretty much need to create friendships and connections with other bloggers. If you don’t have any blog friends, take the first step and make those friendships yourself. Lastly, you should definitely use Twitter to promote your posts.
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4. Interviews With Expert People -
If you are limited with the financial ability to travel new places, purchase, and test new gadgets, and attend conferences or workshops, then you can start interviewing people who are locally or globally acclaimed to be experts in different fields.
When those interview questionnaires and answers are being published on your blog, you are coming up with a new blog post. And as you go on interviewing more and more experts, not only the number of posts in your blog will increase but will also improve your blogging consistency.
But then first try to interview less popular people because it’s wiser to catch small fishes first and then gradually attempting to catch sharks. According to my personal experience, interview posts bring good traffics compare to other posts.
You Can Also Read - Top 10 Ways To Be Just Another Mediocre Blogger Nobody Gives A Crap About
5. Use The ‘how to…’ / The ‘top 10 secrets…’ / The ‘One simple way…’ topic -
Obviously the number of topics and way you can write about them in your industry are endless. However, I am going to share 3 ways in which are incredibly effective and easy to use. Remember, you have to write for your audience. Most business tend to write about stuff they find interesting, but in reality your customers are interested in what you are selling and how that helps them.
The ‘how to…’ topic :
We all know about ‘How to’ topics, but what you say in them determines whether they are effective or not.
e.g. I can write a blog topic on how the changes in HTML code that search engines and mobiles use means that Frontpage is out of date. Who of you will care about that? Will you really be that interested to know that is no longer how you should centre things? No!
You need to write what your customers would like to hear. In my case I would write something like ‘How To Add Professional Music Player To Your Blogger Blog’. My audience probably doesn’t know how to create a website, and they most certainly don’t know how easy it can be.
If you are a home builder, write about how you find cheap roofing. If you sell socks, show your customers how to prevent them from becoming smelly. So on and so forth.
The ‘top 10 secrets…’ topic :
These kind of topics are really effective. Here is an example: ‘Top 10 SEO Secrets To Get Blog Posts Indexed By Google Quickly’
It doesn’t always have to be 10 things specifically, just more than 2 and less than 10. 3,5,7, and 10 are the power numbers. When you state that you are giving them three steps, make sure you label each step as a ‘secrets’. Obvious right? But many people will just write long paragraphs without breaking them down and labelling them properly.
The ‘One simple way…’ topic :
This is probably the kind of blog post I write the most. Generally it is because I have so much to say about each topic that I just spread them over several blog posts. If you are a home builder, then you would have something like ‘A Simple Way to Prevent Nails from Rusting’.
You Can Also Read - Top 12 Simple Steps To Become A Hacker
6. Exploring More Of Your Passion -
Let us say I am very much interested in trying different cameras and taking photos using them. Then I can start making a list of topics related to my passion which I don’t know at present but I would like to learn more. Instance I can say:
- Which camera is best for low-income photographer?
- How to position the camera at the time of taking photos?
- Which camera is the most expensive camera in 2016?
I can refer various sources. I can read various reviews. In the process, I will never face short of topics on which I can write to update my blog besides not mentioning different new things I can learn.
You Can Also Read - Top 15 Rules For Writing Crystal Clear Content
7. Prevent Writer’s Block -
Having three different kind of topics is a great way to somewhat prevent writer’s block, but sometimes you need something fresh, but you have no idea what to write. Here is what you do.
Get 3-5 categories (topics) -
Here are mine.
- SEO Marketing.
- Small Business Tips.
- Social Media.
- Video Design.
- Web Design.
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8. Join LINKUPS & Leave Comments On The Other Linked Up Blogs -
Remember, successful blogging is about building relationships. You could certainly just link up your blog and be done, but you’re missing out on the community building aspect of link-ups. If you comment on other people’s blogs, they’re bound to come say hi on yours, too. Also, don’t underestimate smaller linkups. Those are often the best because it’s much easier to meet real people who will stick around.
9. Maintaining And Reading Diary Book -
Do you think maintaining a diary book is something very primitive? If you think so, you are wrong, and it’s because you must not have tried maintaining one. If you always keep a booklet with you and then keep on jotting down ideas as and when they flash in your mind, they’ll give you new ideas on which you can write one or two articles. The human mind is so unpredictable.
10. Put Effort Into SEO -
Almost 40% of TNC’s visitors arrive here from a search engine. If you’re not properly SEO-ing the crap out of your posts, you’re missing out on tons of potential readers.
How to use it effectively: Name your photos something that pertains to your post instead of using a name like “J2596.JPG.” Also, add a keyword to your post and try using it in your post’s title, content, meta description, etc. Use relevant tags, and add a meta description (the description that shows up under your post title in a search engine). I use a plug-in called Yoast WordPress SEO that is easy to use and extremely helpful.
You Can Also Read - Top 15 SEO Techniques I Forget To Do
Now Your Turn -
Ask yourself: what stands out the most from events that happened yesterday? Or last week if you are writing once a week. Nothing particularly exciting happened to me yesterday, but a client did ask me how they find topics to blog about. Bingo!
Perhaps you helped a customer find the right shoe, then write a blog post about ‘How to find the right shoe out of 1,000s of choices’.
And guess what? You can rehash this topic three times over the course of the next few months, because you have three ways of saying it. Remember, the three topic types we discussed? Once you have done that you can apply that same topic to 5 different categories. Before you know it, one thing just gave you 10 different blog posts to write about. Easy right?
Recommended Read -
This was our definitive run-down about HOW TO GROW YOUR BLOG LIKE A BOSS, we are certain that these article would have been proven useful for a considerable lot of the users out there. On the off chance that you have any sort questions left identified with these article then lend your inquiries in the comment box. Any of our team members will hit them up in no time.
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Top 10 Ways To Write A Super Effective Blog Post Like A Boss
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I found your post informative and interesting. Much of the advice you offered I have used and it does work well. I shared your article on social media for my writer friends to see.
ReplyDeleteHello DW Davis,
DeleteThanks for your kind words & great support. I Am Glad To Hear That My Post Was Able To Give You Few Ideas & Information. Hope you enjoy (or enjoyed) yourself at Be A Better Blogger.
Thanks Again for helping spread the word with your shares on social media. I really appreciate it. Hope this comment of mine finds you doing well, Davis.
- Soumadeep.
Very good points!
ReplyDeleteBuilding relationships is a huge endeavour, but it's definitely worth the effort - btw, thanks for including me in your point #1 :)
Hello Andrea Torti,
DeleteGlad To See You Again My Dear Friend. Yea, The Relationships Always Play An Important Role In Achieving Supply Chain Success.
Thanks Again Andrea! Have A Great Weekend :))
- Soumadeep.