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How To Disable Internet Connection Sharing On Your Windows PC

Is it true that you are sharing your internet connection with others and would you like to play video online or need to download something yet your internet connection speed is truly moderate in slow of the fact that you are sharing your internet connection?

How To Disable Internet Connection Sharing On Your Windows PC

All things considered, then don't stress in light of the fact that there is an approach to turn it off specifically from your Windows PC. Thus, today I have made this tutorial in which I will be demonstrating to you that how you can undoubtedly disable internet connection sharing on your Windows PC. Disabling the internet connection sharing (ICS) benefit on your Windows operating system is an extremely basic and simple procedure and just takes couple of seconds. In this way, without squandering a lot of your time, we should begin with our tutorial.

Learn-How To Disable Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)

How To Disable Internet Connection Sharing On Your Windows PC

So, if you want to disable internet connection sharing on your Windows PC then follow the below given steps.

  • First of all, open up your Windows computer.

  • Now, click on the Start button and then type services.msc in the Start search box. If you are using Windows XP then first open Run command and then type services.msc and then hit Enter key on your keyboard.

  • Then, wait for few seconds and then the Services window will appear on your screen. Now, in the Services window, scroll down and locate the Internet Connection Sharing option.

How To Disable Internet Connection Sharing On Your Windows PC

  • After you find it then right click on it and then select Properties option.

  • Now, in the Startup Type section, you have to change it to the Disabled option.

  • Then, just hit Apply and OK button.

  • That’s it! You are done! Now, you will see that the Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) will be disabled.

How To Disable Internet Connection Sharing On Your Windows PC


Thus, this was about how to disable internet connection sharing on your Windows PC. I trust that now you will have the capacity to easily disable internet connection sharing (ICS) benefit on your Windows PC. On the off chance that you have any sort of questions in regards to this tutorial then do let us know, we will attempt our best to determine them. Furthermore, also, on the off chance that you'd like this tutorial and locate this tutorial instructive and helpful then remember to impart this to your friends and social circles as well.

ics, Internet, internet connection sharing, download windows 7, high speed internet test, How To Disable Internet Connection Sharing On Your Windows PC.
How To Disable Internet Connection Sharing On Your Windows PC Reviewed by Unknown on 23:21:00 Rating: 5

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