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How To Set Video As Desktop BackGround Using VLC Media Player?

I'm a big fan of VLC media player for being one of the best & wonderful  multimedia player player. The best thing about VLC media player is they can run broken or fragmented video file. All the more over it supports all video formats without the need of  installing extra codec. In the event that you are as yet using other multi-media player like Windows media player, real player or iTunes, you should try VLC media player once.

How To Set Video As Desktop BackGround Using VLC Media Player?

VLC media player is a feature rich multi-media player and here I'm sharing a quick trick which will give you a chance to set any playing  video as desktop background. So in short your desktop background will be more like a animated background.

Set Video as Desktop Wallpaper using VLC

VLC being one of my favorite Multi media player and I have this habit of playing music videos while working online. How good it would be if we use video as wallpaper instead of those boring static wallpaper. Lets start with the tutorial, and don’t forget to download VLC from here.

  • Install VLC and open it. Click on Tools > Preference > Video.

How To Set Video As Desktop BackGround Using VLC Media Player?

  • Now under video settings, you need to change couple of things.

  • Out put to Direct X video output or DirectX video Draw video output. And Under Direct X option: Put a check box on Enable wallpaper mode. See the below screenshot for better understanding:

How To Set Video As Desktop BackGround Using VLC Media Player?

  • Now, there is just last thing which you need to do in order to play and video as desktop background. Simply click on Save and play any video.

  • Now, right click on screen and click on video > DirextX wallpaper.

How To Set Video As Desktop BackGround Using VLC Media Player?

  • Thats It!

Now, all you need to do is sit down and enjoy your videos on desktop background. This is easy to do and follow step and I’m sure you can do it. Settings may change a bit depending upon your video driver. But, more or less it will work on most of the system.

There are many software’s also which does the similar job but I find VLC to be the easiest way to get it done. You just need to save this setting once and later on you don’t need to make changed in VLC video settings.

How To Set Video As Desktop BackGround Using VLC Media Player?


This was our definitive rundown about How to Set Video As Desktop Background Using VLC Media Player,we are certain that these tricks would have been proven useful for a considerable lot of the users out there. On the off chance that you have any sort questions left identified with these tricks then lend your inquiries in the comment box. Any of our team members will hit them up in no time. 

Moreover, on the off chance that you have discovered this guide supportive and worth reading then do offer it with your different friend and circle as well. Your shares may be demonstrated useful for a considerable lot of the users out there. Along these lines, continue sharing and continue helping other people.

Download vlc for free, Download vlc free, Download vlc media player free, Background desktop, Backgrounds for desktop, How to , Software , Tips & Tricks
How To Set Video As Desktop BackGround Using VLC Media Player? Reviewed by Unknown on 08:14:00 Rating: 5


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